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Who We Are

Rockaway Waterfront Alliance (RWA) is dedicated to empowering residents of the underserved communities of the Rockaway Peninsula to play a role in the determination of their neighborhoods, by providing enriching educational and community programming, that instill both individual and civic respect for nature, and contributes to advancing the physical, economic and social sustainability in the Rockaway Peninsula and Greater New York City.

As one of the first organizations to respond to the needs of the community during Super Storm Sandy, RWA had a first hand look at how the lack of infrastructure and breakdown of communication has affected the Rockaway community.

RWA created the Call-To- Action Campaign as part of the RE: Rockaway Project to Revive, Rebuild and Renew the Rockaway Community to follow through on long term community planning  efforts and find ways of supporting collaboration between people young and old to support a safer and more environmentally resilient community. 

The Call To Action campaign is funded by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Los Angeles Emergency Preparedness Foundation.